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Taliban deaths in Islamic State clashes


Kabul, At least three members of the Taliban security forces were killed and three others wounded in a series of attacks in Afghanistan’s eastern Jalalabad city, officials say.

Gunmen shot dead at least three members of the Taliban forces in the Behbud area of the city on Sunday while another three members of the security forces were wounded in twin blasts in the fourth police district of the city, a hospital source, who wished not to be named, told dpa.

The provincial director of information and culture, Hanif Nangarhari, confirmed that three Taliban security force members were wounded after twin blasts followed by gunfire in Jalalabad city; however, Nangarhari claimed that another three people were killed in infighting, without giving details.

Unconfirmed reports said at least eight people had been killed and 17 more wounded in today’s attacks.

“Two blasts hit the Taliban, then the Daesh militants engaged in a gunfight and finally managed to escape,” a resident of Jalalabad’s fourth police district told dpa, using the Arabic acronym for Islamic State.

“There were heavy clashes, the attackers threw two or three grenades,” another resident said.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack.

Nangarhar has been a hotspot for fighting between the Taliban and Islamic State affiliates since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in August.

Since the Taliban victory, Islamic State appears to be expanding its influence and activities.

On Tuesday, five militants from the group carried out a complex attack on a military hospital in Kabul which killed at least a dozen people, including a senior Taliban military chief.

More than 100 civilians were killed in two deadly attacks in the provinces of Kunduz and Kandahar last month.

Source- Australian Associated Press

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